Our Mission
You’re First Care’s mission is to minimize risks and enhance the quality of life for individuals and families through our unwavering commitment to exceptional care. We are dedicated advocates for our clients, ensuring needs are met and voices are heard. Empowering our staff through training; and providing our clients, families, and the community with knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. As good stewards in our community, we actively foster a culture of compassion and support. With a forward-thinking approach, we continuously innovate and adapt to provide the best care solutions for all.

Houston BBB Spotlights
You’re FIrst Care with Winner of Distinction Award
As a part of focusing regional attention on businesses and non-profits for their commitment to, and accomplishments in, excellence in the Greater Houston area. You’re First Care was one of 236 companies recognized at the annual Better Business Bureau Awards of Excellence on October 10, 2023. Honored as a Winner of Distinction, this was the first time to be recognized by the Better Business Bureau for service beyond self-interest.
When asked what it meant for You’re First Care to receive this acknowledgment, CEO Cheryl McClure stated, “Every day we work harder to get the right care in place for our clients. It is an honor to be recognized for our efforts.”
How We Help
One call
many solutions
How We Work
We are your care advocates and so much more.
Without warning we can be faced with health challenges whether it be a loved one, friend or ourselves. Trying to figure out ways to handle these challenges for the best successful outcome possible can be daunting. This is where we come in. You’re First Care was created over a decade ago to care for, support, assist and educate families during times when a person’s physical or cognitive health changes or declines.
How We Are Different
So much more than just another home care agency
When people come to know You’re First Care and experience the difference, they realize we are very different from other Home Care Agencies; this is by design. We work hard every day to bring the very best Care to individuals possible, in a uniquely loving manner.